Spread Warmth: Real Hearts Give's 'New Year, New Coats' Drive

As we step into the new year, Real Hearts Give is thrilled to announce the commencement of the "New Year, New Coats" drive—a heartfelt initiative aimed at spreading warmth and lifting spirits in our community.

Our mission has always been to uplift underserved youth academically, physically, and emotionally. And what better way to embrace the season of giving than by sharing the warmth of compassion through cozy coats?

The drive, spanning from January to February 2024, is our call to action to provide new coats with tags for Kids, Teens, and Moms. These coats not only shield against the winter chill but also serve as a tangible expression of care and support. We believe that every child, teen, and mom deserves to feel the comforting embrace of a warm coat, and together, we can make it happen.

How Can You Contribute?

  • Donate Physical Coats: Drop off your new coats at our dedicated location - 2109 Via Sonora, Oceanside, CA 92054. Look for the marked bin to add your warmth to the collection.

  • Donate Online: If you're unable to contribute physical coats, make a donation towards the purchase of a new coat. Your online contribution will directly support our mission and contribute to the collective warmth we aim to spread.

All donations received during the "New Year, New Coats" drive will be directed to local partner agencies including Oceanside Women's Resource Center. This organization plays a vital role in providing support services, shelter, and a safe haven for children. By participating in this drive, you're not just providing a coat; you're extending warmth, dignity, and a brighter future to those in need.

Let's unite as a community and make this winter a season of giving. Join Real Hearts Give in our mission to spread warmth and uplift spirits. Your generosity can truly make a difference in the lives of underserved youth.

Thank you for being a part of our journey, and let's continue to spread the love!


The Real Hearts Give Team


Making Waves of Change